Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy:
Melissa has advanced training in treating the pelvic floor with advanced certification in holistic treatment of the pregnant and postpartum body. Pelvic floor dysfunction can be seen as pain, pressure or difficulties with peeing, pooping, sexual pleasure. Posture can directly affect the health of the pelvic floor as well. If you are experiencing any urinary incontinence, urinary urgency, difficulty urinating, constipation, bowel incontinence, pain with sex or any penetration, pelvic organ prolapse, postural imbalances, hip/back/sacral pain (deep breath!) you may benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy!
General Offerings
Postural assessment
Pelvic floor assessment for tightness or weakness of pelvic floor muscles
Manual therapy
Education and Home exercises and more education
Dry Needling
Electrical stimulation
pregnancy prep
postpartum recovery